A Business Owner’s Guide to Digital Marketing

A confused executive on his computer

The red bubble on your inbox icon reads 52. It’s 7:02 am. Gulping your coffee, you start wading through the email chaos. You clench your mug – half of these emails are ads for digital marketing services. Finding digital marketing help has been on your to-do list for a week, but more options bring more…

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Building A Website for Your Business: Frequently Asked Questions

Building a website for your business, but finding yourself stuck? It’s no simple task. In a world full of websites, (over 1.8 billion), creating a unique and usable website with relevant content can be daunting to even the most tech-savvy. When generating or re-doing a website, there are a variety of elements to consider ranging…

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Building a new website, or redoing yours? Here’s the web design industry jargon you should know


If you’re considering updating your company’s website or starting a new one from scratch, you’ll likely want to be in on the conversations with your web development team as your site, and online identity takes shape. Unfortunately, developers aren’t always the easiest people to communicate with as they tend to casually throw out development lingo…

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What is a reasonable hourly rate for a Tampa marketing agency or freelancer?

how much does digital marketing cost

There are several factors used by marketing companies and freelancers to determine an hourly rate that you should be aware of if you’re considering hiring an agency or marketing professional. These include your needs, industry standards, and the marketplace. Most agencies evaluate all three factors before deciding upon an hourly rate. For freelancers, many experts…

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To PHP, or not to PHP? Top 5 Benefits of Building with PHP


What is PHP? Chances are that if you’re even semi-tech savvy you’ve at least heard of it. PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is open-source scripting language that is server-sided and can be used to create awesome, state-of-the-art web sites and web-based apps. In fact, approximately 82% of websites use this scripting language for the myriad of advantages…

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