What is a reasonable hourly rate for a Tampa marketing agency or freelancer?

how much does digital marketing cost

There are several factors used by marketing companies and freelancers to determine an hourly rate that you should be aware of if you’re considering hiring an agency or marketing professional. These include your needs, industry standards, and the marketplace. Most agencies evaluate all three factors before deciding upon an hourly rate. For freelancers, many experts…

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The importance of a mobile-friendly website

If you are reading this blog, then either one of two things are likely true. Either you have just discovered that your website is not mobile friendly or you aren’t yet sure (You can test it here). In either situation, you are probably wondering whether or not you should even care. It should not come…

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Four questions you need to ask yourself before advertising

Competitive Analysis

The Japanese have a proverb that if your only tool is a hammer, everything begins to look like a nail. When it comes to small business marketing, that tool is often advertising. Although we strongly believe in the power of advertising, many of the small businesses we have worked with have needlessly wasted thousands of…

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SEO News Flash: RIP to Google Instant Search

Launched in 2010, the Google Instant Search feature was designed to provide users with information as quickly as possible. When you began to type a search term, Google provided some predictive suggestions for what it thought you were looking for and displayed search results below the search box. Now, those search results will only appear…

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GoDaddy announces it will shut down Cloud Servers; will no longer offer the service after December 31st, 2017

Do you currently have an app, database, or web service hosted by GoDaddy’s Cloud Servers service? The uber-popular domain registrar and hosting company has revealed it will no longer offer Cloud Servers and the service and will be discontinued at the end of the year. If you don’t transfer to another service provider by that…

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